Information about Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Nord-Pas-de-Calais coast

Nord-Pas-de-Calais coast on the English Channel

Maps of North-Calais

Map of North-Calais in France

Previously North-Calais

Map of the major towns and cites in North-Calais

Click on the map to zoom

Regional capital : Lille

Departments / Counties of Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Number Department Capital
59 Nord Lille
62 Pas de Calais Arras

The most northern part of France, with a coastline on the English Channel and bordering Belgium.

Flat region, with important maritime network, hence heavy industry, mining. High urbanization, despite fertile soils. Dense road, rail and canal network.

There is an historical influence with the Flemish as the region borders with Belgium. The Northerners of France are called "Les'Tchies", reputed for being very friendly people

The region played an important role during the Second World War, especially with the evacuation of allied troops at Dunkerque/Dunkirk.

Famous for a traditional lace art work "dentelle de Calais".

Real estate, property

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