Arras, France

Grand-Place d'Arras

Grand-Place d'Arras

Map of Hauts-de-France in France

Arras is in the Hauts-de-France region.

Map of North-Calais, France

Arras is in the (62) Pas de Calais departement

Arras in Pas de Calais

Map of Arras in the Pas de Calais

About Arras

Arras is in the Pas de Calais department of the North-Calais region.

A history in the two World Wars, during the first war in 1917 an important advancement by the British. Whilst during the second, it was the scene of a terrible execution of more than 200 resistant members.

Tourism, travel, information

Arras offcial web site

Local town tourism office.