Lille, France

Place du Général-de-Gaulle

Place du Général-de-Gaulle in Lille

Map of Hauts-de-France in France

Lille is in the Hauts-de-France region.

Map of North-Calais, France

Lille is in the (59) Nord departement

Lille in Nord

Map of Lille in the Nord

About Lille

Lille is in the Nord department of the Hauts-de-France region.

One of the major cities of France, located in the north, it also provides major communication routes. One of the friendliest cities in France.

There is a huge flea market on the first weekend of September, all the streets are occupied with stands selling anything and everything. thousands of people visit this unique event.

The Eurostar makes an important halt here and provides high speed trains with many other important destinations in France and Europe.

In this part of France, you'll notice a very strong local accent, the people also like their beer!

Tourism, travel, information

Lille Tourism

Official local web site, available in English. There is much information about one of the most friendly cities of France. The people of Lille are very welcoming and show hospility to all.