Information about Champagne-Ardenne

Maps of Champagne-Ardenne

Map of Champagne-Ardenne in France

Previously Champagne-Ardenne

Map of the major towns and cites in Champagne-Ardenne

Click on the map to zoom

Regional capital : Châlons-en-Champagne

Departments / Counties of Champagne-Ardenne

Number Department Capital
52 Haute Marne Chaumont
51 Marne Châlons-en-Champagne
10 Aube Troyes
8 Ardennes Charleville-Mézières

Located in north eastern France and bordering with Belgium.

The huge forest of Ardenne, intensive farming techniques, Champagne wine. Historically, Reims, Roman, Celtic influence. The French revolution, World War I war graves.

Tourism, travel, information

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