Rennes, France

Map of Bretagne in France

Rennes is in the Bretagne region.

Map of Brittany, France

Rennes is in the (35) Ille et Vilaine departement

Rennes in Ille et Vilaine

Map of Rennes in the Ille et Vilaine

About Rennes

Rennes is in the Ille et Vilaine department of the Brittany region.

The River Villaine passes through this regional capital city. Only a few wood timbered houses remain in the old part of the city, in 1720 a fire devastated the city burning more than 900 mores. The Cathedrale Saint-Pierre dominates the sky line and there are 7 other churches.


Musée de Bretagne

A complete history of Brittany
A large collection of archived photos, organized and searchable
Information about the language which is still spoken "Breton".
Much information to help your discover and enjoy the region.