5 French science fiction writers to read

Except for the connoisseurs, not many people think of science fiction as an important part of French literature. Yet, in the footsteps of Jules Verne, a precursor of modern science fiction, French literature is a den for science fiction. Hundreds of space operas, stories of time travellers and post-apocalyptic worlds hide behind the pens of great French science writers. Here are five highly recommended authors you should try to read. This list is entirely subjective and based on personal preferences: (more…)
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5 French books you should read!

Are you looking for French books to read this summer?Either in French or simply from French authors? If you have already read all of classics by Proust, Maupassant and Verne or do not feel ready yet to embark in Hugo’s Les Misérables, Alain Fournier’s Le Grand Meaulnes or Albert Camus’ L’Etranger, here are some non-classic suggestions of lesser-known French books and authors, recent or not. (more…)
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5 French science fiction writers to read

Except for the connoisseurs, not many people think of science fiction as an important part of French literature. Yet, in the footsteps of Jules Verne, a precursor of modern science fiction, French literature is a den for science fiction. Hundreds of space operas, stories of time travellers and post-apocalyptic worlds hide behind the pens of great French science writers. Here are five highly recommended authors you should try to read. This list is entirely subjective and based on personal preferences: (more…)
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5 French books you should read!

Are you looking for French books to read this summer?Either in French or simply from French authors? If you have already read all of classics by Proust, Maupassant and Verne or do not feel ready yet to embark in Hugo’s Les Misérables, Alain Fournier’s Le Grand Meaulnes or Albert Camus’ L’Etranger, here are some non-classic suggestions of lesser-known French books and authors, recent or not. (more…)
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