Information about Picardie

Countryside of Pircardie

Countryside of Pircardie

Maps of Picardy

Map of Picardy in France

Previously Picardy

Map of the major towns and cites in Picardy

Click on the map to zoom

Regional capital : Amiens

Departments / Counties of Picardie

Number Department Capital
60 Oise Beauvais
80 Somme Amiens
2 Aisne Laon

Vast plateau region divided by the rivers Somme and Oise. The high population numbers dropped due to the two world Wars and industrial changes.

There is a low industry except in the city of Amiens, agriculture is the main source of income due to rich fertile silt soils and a mild climate.

The people of the region are called the Picards.

All the regions of France