Information about Île-de-France

Maps of Paris-Isle-of-France

Map of Paris-Isle-of-France in France

Previously Paris-Isle-of-France

Map of the major towns and cites in Paris-Isle-of-France

Click on the map to zoom

Regional capital : Paris

Departments / Counties of Île-de-France

Number Department Capital
95 Val d'Oise Pontoise
94 Val de Marne Créteil
93 Seine Saint Denis Bobigny
92 Hauts de Seine Nanterre
91 Essone Evry
78 Yvelines Versailles
77 Seine et Marne Melun
75 Paris Paris

The capital of France, Paris, city of art and romance. The famous monuments such as the Eiffel tower, Louvre, Notre Dame and the river Seine. One of the most visited cities in the World.

With the building cost and restrictions in central Paris, the suburbs have grown in size and density, very quickly over the last few decades. The roads, rail and air transport providing resources for many types of industries.

The Isle de France is also the economical and commercial heart of France, there are many types of industries and services surrounding the capital city.

The departments of Paris Ile de France
A map showing the departments of Ile de France, Paris

Cruises, tours, trips, visits

Universities, colleges, schools

List all the regions of France