Emergencies in French

Words to use in French

French vocabulary for emergencies and accidents

In case of an emergency you should call on of the following telephone numbers for assistance:

  • 15 Ambulance (SAMU)
  • 17 Police
  • 18 Fire brigade
  • 112, which is a standard number to use for all emergencies
English French
accidentl'accident (m)
ambulancel'ambulance (f)
to injureblesser
pile uple carambolage
doctorle docteur
firele feu
policemanle gendarme
pharmacyla pharmacie
policela police
firemanle pompier
emergency exitle sortie de secours

Useful French Phrases

Au secours ! : Help !

Appeler les pompiers : Call the fire bridage

Appeler la police : Call the police

Il y a un accident : There is an accident

Il y a le feu : There is a fire

La fille est tombé : The girl has fallen

Le monsieur c'est blessé : the man hurt himself

Il y a une accident de la route : There is a road accident.