French computer vocabulary words and phrases

French computer vocabulary

The following list of French vocabulary concerns computers and Internet, this will be useful to many English speaking people who are already in France, reading through a French web pages, or perhaps if you are communicating with a French person via the Internet.

Many high-tech words have the same spelling in French and English, however the pronunciation will often change because of the tonic accent on the vowels, take for example the English word "WIFI", in French it is pronounced "wee-fee". Another example is Linux, in French it is pronounced "lee-nux".

Other abbreviations such as ROM, ADSL, Internet just sound the same, so you should not have too much difficulty.

Just for information, if you are in France and need to use a computer do not forget that the keyboard has a different layout to the standard keyboard, in France you will use an AZERTY keyboard instead of the normal QWERTY. Not only will many of the letters change place, but the row for numbers is different, you will have to use the shift key to access the numbers from 1 to 9, without the shift you will have access to many of the French accents.

A fun article about writing in French SMS style.

Computer terminology in French

English French
The avatar L'avatar (m)
The background screen Le fond d'écran
The bandwidth La bande passante
The blog Le blogue
The bot Le robot
The broadband, High speed Internet Le haut-débit
The bug Le beug/le beugue
The cable Le câble
The CDROM player Le lecteur CDROM 
The central processing unit (CPU) Le processeur
The click (of mouse) Le clique 
The community manager L'animateur de communauté (m)
The computer L'ordinateur (m)
The computer hardware Le matériel informatique
The computeur scientist L'informaticien
Computing  L'informatique 
The configuration panel Le panneau de configuration
The controller/gamepad La manette
The crash Le plantage
The cursor Le curseur
Cut/Copy/Paste Couper/Copier/Coller
cyberspace Le cyberespace
The database La base de données
Deconnect / logout Déconnexion 
The dialog box La boîte de dialogue
The digital collection/library La bibliothèque numérique
The digital identity L'idendité numérique (f)
The download Le téléchargement
The driver Le pilote
E-mail Le courriel/le courrier électronique/le mail
The email attachment La pièce jointe
eSports Le sport électronique
The file Le fichier
firewall Le pare-feu
flash memory La mémoire flash
gameplay La jouabilité
gaming console La console de jeux vidéo
hard disk Le disque dur
headset Le micro-casque
Icon L'icône (m)
image scanner Le scanneur/le numériseur
Instant messaging/chat Messagerie instantanée/tchat
internet forum Le forum
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Discussion relayée par Internet
ISP (Internet service provider) Le FIA (fournisseur d'accès Internet)
key (on keyboard) La touche
keyboard Le clavier
laptop L'ordinateur portable (m)
link Le lien
Login Connexion
MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) Le jeu en ligne massivement multijoueur
moderator Le modérateur
motherboard La carte mère
mouse La souris
multiplayer Le multijoueur (m)
network Le réseau
network interface card La carte réseau
operating system Le système d'exploitation
password Le mot de passe
peripheral device Le périphérique
power supply unit Le bloc d'alimentation
printer L'imprimante
program Le logiciel
pseudonym/alias Le pseudonyme
RAM La mémoire vive
Role playing game Le jeu de rôle 
ROM La mémoire morte
screen L'écran (m)
Screen shot La capture d'écran
search engine Le moteur de recherches
server Le serveur
shortcut Le raccourci
Slow speed Internet Le bas-débit
smiley (emotional icon) L'émoticône (m)
social network Le réseau social
sound Le son 
speaker L'enceinte (f)
spreadsheet La feuille de calcul
spreadsheet program Le tableur 
spyware L'espiongiciel (m)
system administrator L'administrateur système (m)
thumbnail La mignature/la vignette
toolbar La barre d'outils
touchscreen L'écran tactile (m)
tower (central unit) La tour centrale
trash La corbeille
update La mise à jour
upload Le téléversement
USB flash drive La clé USB
user L'utilisateur (m)
user interface L'interface utilisateur (f)
video card La carte graphique
video game Le jeu vidéo
virtual world/online world Le monde virtuel
Web La Toile
web developer Le développeur web
The web site Le site web 
The webmaster Le webmaster/le webmestre
The word processor Le traitement de texte


The French translation for Email is officially "Le courriel", this is in the attempt to preserve the French language by the purists, there are also other examples such as Cédérom for CDROM...