The human body in French

Human body vocabulary

Vocabulary words about the human body, with a list in French and their equivalent English translation.

The body: Le corps



The human body

Le corps humain

Arm Le bras
Leg La jambe
Body Le corps
Head La tête
Nose Le nez
Eye, eyes L'oeil (m), les yeux
Ear L'oreille (f)
Check La joue
Mouth La bouche
Eye brow Le sourcil
Eyelash Le cil
Chin Le menton
Neck Le cou
Shoulder L'épaule (f)
Elbow Le coude
Hand La main
Finger Le doigt
Thumb Le pouce
Finger nail L'ongle (m)
Chest, Breast La poitrine, Le sein
Stomach Le ventre
Backside La fesse
Thigh La cuisse
Shin Le mollet
Ankle La cheville
Foot Le pied
Toe L'orteil (m)
Knee Le genou
Neck Le cou
One hair, hair Le cheveu, les cheveux
Tooth La dent

Useful French Phrases

Il a de grandes mains.
He has big hands.

Elle a les yeux bleus.
She has blue eyes. (note the s on bleus)

Le chien a de grandes dents.
The dog has big teeth

Anne a de longs cheveux bruns.
Anne has long brown hair.


Be careful with the french word for "eye", singular is "oeil"