Nîmes, France

Arènes de Nîmes

A view of the Arènes de Nîmes

Map of Occitaine in France

Nîmes is in the Occitaine region.

Map of Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Nîmes is in the (30) Gard departement

Nîmes in Gard

Map of Nîmes in the Gard

About Nîmes

Nîmes is in the Gard department of the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

Colonized by the Roman Augusta in the first century A.D. Today the remains of the Roman influence are crowned by the great Arena, where bull fighting continues ans is still a very important ingredient of the local way of life.

The warm climate and latin influence make the city of Nîmes a very agreeable city to visit and live.

With the Camargue marshlands and wildlife reserves, the landscape is flat and savage, wild bulls, white horses and cavaliers, rose flamingos and masses of coloured flowers, the surroundings of Nîmes are worthwhile exploring.