Macon, France

Macon and the River Saône

Macon with the arched bridge Saint-Laurent crossing the River Saône

Map of Bourgogne Franche-Comté in France

Macon is in the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region.

Map of Burgundy, France

Macon is in the (71) Saône et Loire departement

Macon in Saône et Loire

Map of Macon in the Saône et Loire

About Macon

Macon is in the Saône et Loire department of the Burgundy region.

The town of Macon is on the river Saône.

The nine arches of the bridge of Pont de Vaux which spans the large river Saôone gives an elegant reflection in the water.

You are also in the capital of the Maconaise white wines.